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Jobs (BSL2-27)

1 hour





Private Group (x2)


International Payments are accepted at the checkout page

Service Description

Describe job roles:

Chef, builder, painter, waiter/waitress, administrator, receptionist, manager, mechanic, lorry driver, taxi driver, shop assistant, child minder, engineer, pilot, cleaner, gardener, farmer, teacher, BSL teacher, social worker, speech therapist, Deaf educational instructor, accountant, interpreter, computer technician, policeman, footballer, nurse, doctor, dentist, carpenter, actor/actress, retired, unemployed, student, self-employed, own business.

How the booking is made?

One-2-One: Only one person can book

Public: Anyone can book

Private Group: Only people from the same company/organisation can book. A minimum of 2 people is required.

Contact for more information

Notification of cancellation of a booking by you:


5 working days before the start date = 75% refund.
2 working days before the start date = 50% refund.
Less than 1 working day (24 hours) of the start date = no refund.

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